For CUVC teams, players can join through trials at the beginning of the Michaelmas term. If you want to join later during the season, contact us via mail or social media.
Players new to volleyball are also welcome to the regular open development sessions!
Trials 2024
If you want to join us, come to the trials!
Women (BW and UCCW):
Saturday 12th October 2024, 4 - 6 pm
Kelsey Kerridge Sports Centre, CB1 1NA
Sign up on this form!
Men (BM and UCCM):
Saturday 12th October 2024, 6 - 8 pm
University Sports Centre, CB3 OAS
Sign up on this form!
The sign-up forms close on Friday 11th, invitations to trials will be sent by emails later that day!
About the Teams and Trials
We have two teams for both men and women: Blues Women (BW) and Blues Men (BM) - the first teams, and United Cambridge Colleges Women (UCCW) and United Cambridge Colleges Mens (UCCM) - the second teams.
Captains of both teams, as well as the coaches, will be present throughout the trials and observing all candidates. They will make decisions based on the 'Selection Policy' which can be found here.
If by any chance you don't get invited to play for one of our teams, please don't get discouraged! There will be plenty of opportunities for you to get involved with the club this year, including development trainings coached by our experienced players, as well as mixed tournaments which will be open to all.
Practice schedule:
BW: Mondays 8 - 10 pm, Saturdays 4 - 6 pm and every other Friday 7 - 8:30 am
BM: Monday 6 - 8 pm, Saturday 6 - 8 pm, and every other Friday 7 - 8:30 am
UCCW: Tuesdays 3 - 5 pm or 5 - 7 pm (alternating) and Saturdays 4 - 6 pm
UCCM: Tuesday 3 - 5 pm or 5 - 7 pm (alternating) and Saturday 4 - 6 pm
All players are also encouraged to join Strength and Conditioning sessions on Fridays at 6:30 - 8 pm.
Who is CUVC for?
CUVC welcomes players of a great range of experience level to try out for one of our four competitive teams, or to join us for our Beginners' Sessions and College Cuppers competition!
Try outs are normally held in the first weeks of October, with information being posted shortly before the event. Show up to trials and play your best - if you are selected, you will soon hear from the relevant captain for more information on how to prepare for the season.
To join CUVC, members of our teams also need to pay a membership fee at the start of the year, which covers coached hall training sessions, training hall booking prices, coached strength and conditioning sessions and some team travel expenses.
Contact us
Talk to us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, or by email at club.president@cuvc.org!
University Sports Center,
Philippa Fawcett Dr,
Cambridge CB3 0AS,
United Kingdom